
Danish Born photographer Morten Andersen (www.mortenphoto.com) has lived in South America sine 1995. With a passion for chilean wine, argentine football and brazilian beaches this continent is paradise.. "Since I saw the World Cup in football in 1978 as a little kid sitting in Denmark, I always thought that I had to visit Buenos Aires and South America one day. One day i left for Buenos Aires and never came back...." Beside shooting documentary and fashion for magazines like GQ, Rolling Stone, Esquire, MAX and Marie Claire, his freetime is spend playing football with his friends in Santiago or at his house in the Andes mountains. Living in South America is fantastic. I love the lifestyle, the clima, the nature, the people. Morten Andersen has the last couple of years spend some time shooting fashion for European magazines, in very special and exotic locations like Machu Picchu, Easter Island , Patagonia and the favelas (shantytowns) in Rio de Janeiro .